VIDEO: Trademarks: Protecting Your Brand by Michael Steger
Learn how you can protect your valuable asset—your company trademark. Watch Mike Steger’s presentation at the Network!Network!Forum.
Learn how you can protect your valuable asset—your company trademark. Watch Mike Steger’s presentation at the Network!Network!Forum.
View Michael Schein, Valerie Paik and Petia Bradshaw present on B2B Internet Branding.
Lew Bader provides precious insights into what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in our fast changing world. Click here to view the video on YouTube
At our latest Around the Horn session, the room was packed with some of the best and brightest minds in Manhattan.
The first person we heard from was an executive who could not find enough time for business development because he was consumed with busy work. The solutions offered from the professionals in the room focused on attitude, behavior, and technique:
{Read in 2.5 minutes} How do we get back to a less digital, more personal kind of marketing? It used to be possible to reach a potential client by picking up the phone and – if you could convince the gatekeeper to put you through – you could gain a brand new connection.
Mark Hofmaier presents How to Improve Your Presentation Skills at the Network!Network! Forum.
Sean O’Rourke presents Data and Identity Security Best Practices at the Network! Network! Forum. Security is a big issue today, and Sean offers real solutions for individuals and businesses.
Watch a video presentation by Jack Sullivan on Business Entity selection.
View our video of Tamar Gisis’ presentation at the Network!Network! Forum.
Network!Network! is a New York-based networking group for business leaders from all sectors.
The power of learning from others’ experiences is on full display each time Network!Network! holds one of its 12 monthly roundtables. One of our favorite parts of each meeting is what we call Around the Horn.
During the Around the Horn session, business owners help each other by detailing challenging situations they have faced. The other group members may ask questions to assure that they understand the problem, and then offer an analogous experience they have had, along with the manner in which they dealt with it so that the person with the problem can craft his or her own solution from the experiences of the others. Below we have selected two situations that members have experienced, along with suggested solutions:
Forum presentation by Lindsay Neff on the ways to protect your business from fraud.
Forum presentation on how a professional brand can build recognition for your business and impact your bottom line.
Network!Network! members enjoyed a presentation on how even small businesses can build a presence on the Internet. Watch the video of the entire presentation below.
Network!Network! Forum with Rochelle Lisner